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Nickety Nackety Now Now Now


Growing up, we often learned to sing fun, silly songs, some of which didn't make any sense at all.  I think you'll have fun singing this one!

We have modified it and added our own verses here and there.  You can make up your own verses also to see what you can create.


Take the Nickety Nackety Challenge!

How fast can you say:

Nickety Nackety, Hills Upon Dallopy, Willopy Wallopy, Whatcha' Call Twallopy

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now

Practice, practice, practice and challenge your friends, even your parents to see who wins.

Above all - Have FUN!



Verse 1

He married his wife in the month of June

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now

He carried her home by the light of the moon

Nickety Nackety, Hills Upon Dallopy, Willopy Wallopy, Whatcha' Call Twallopy

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now


Verse 2

He plowed the field with his old mule

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now

He found a rock and thought it a jewel

Nickety Nackety, Hills Upon Dallopy, Willopy Wallopy, Whatcha' Call Twallopy

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now


Verse 3

She washed the black pigs in the kitchen sink

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now

She scrubbed so hard, they all turned pink

Nickety Nackety, Hills Upon Dallopy, Willopy Wallopy, Whatcha' Call Twallopy

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now


Verse 4

The saddle and bridle sat on the shelf

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now

If you want any more, you can sing it yourself

Nickety Nackety, Hills Upon Dallopy, Willopy Wallopy, Whatcha' Call Twallopy

Nickety Nackety Now, Now, Now

~  ~  ~

Watch and sing along with the video